I'm shocked, cannot believe it.
I don't want to believe it.
Swig is gone.
I have really only spent a few weeks in his presence, yet I consider him a dear friend. While rather short in time, we shared intense experiences. We faced untamed nature, wild beasts and - most frightening of all - our own creativity.
In this time I learned to appreciate his unfailing humour. Nothing and no-one was too important to make a joke about it. Nothing was sacred. He was the embodied lesson that we should never take ourselves too seriously. He certainly didn't.
Swig was a bit of an asshole. But he was my kind of asshole. Whatever happened, he would brag, laugh and make jokes. And then his eyes would tell you exactly what was really going on inside him. They could not hide, neither the sensitive and caring soft heart. Nor the inner child that was still amazed, full of joy and always looking for connection.
I shall miss him. I am glad I got to know him. Bye Swig.
Farewell my friend
2023-07-30 11:34:00