Index of /talks/
A look behind the curtains - module loading in ..> 10-Mar-2016 09:37 -
Building Bridges/ 05-Feb-2017 13:27 -
Building bridges - bringing Perl 5 and Perl 6 b..> 22-Jun-2015 10:53 -
Cider/ 05-Oct-2014 08:44 -
DBIC in Perl 6 revisited/ 22-Sep-2016 15:28 -
DTML Compiler/ 14-Dec-2014 21:04 -
Funding/ 05-Feb-2017 13:27 -
Inline-Perl5/ 12-Nov-2014 12:59 -
Inline-Python/ 05-Oct-2014 08:49 -
Leapfrogging the bootstrap/ 24-Aug-2016 16:32 -
Perl/ 24-Aug-2016 16:32 -
Perl 5 and Perl 6 - a great team/ 03-Feb-2017 10:50 -
Queueing/ 10-Oct-2014 08:34 -
Segelflug/ 05-Oct-2014 08:44 -
Shadowcat/ 20-May-2011 11:47 -
Social Media Physics/ 05-Feb-2017 13:27 -
Threading in Parrot/ 05-Oct-2014 08:53 -
Web development and Perl 6/ 05-Feb-2017 13:27 -
use perl or die/ 05-Feb-2017 13:27 -
use_perl_or_die/ 14-Aug-2013 14:46 -
Navigationsgeräte.odp 26-Feb-2015 20:03 5156841
Navigationsgeräte.pdf 26-Feb-2015 20:04 6309099
Vermeidung von Unfällen.odp 26-Feb-2015 20:05 3514465
Vermeidung von Unfällen.pdf 26-Feb-2015 20:06 8928645
YAPC2015-Granada-Nines_Talk-HD720.m4v 15-Sep-2015 08:02 2634959984